Wednesday 18 September 2024

Work in Progress.

 Yes - it is slow. but it is happening. 

I've moved on to what I think of as the second part of the book - in which the heroine Eleri is moving on -  to a new and totally unexpected life in a house she has inherited. It's an idea I have used before - in A Villa in Portofino - but the setting and circumstances this time are very different, and it still spoke to me of something I wanted to explore. 

The next part is spinning around in my head, which is always exciting - if writing it down and getting it right is more laborious.

Eleri is moving into a small community and while I have known the people in it for a long while, I have only just realised that they are going to want to know as much about her as she does about them. Actually probably more so, as she is keeping a low profile, for various reasons. Now I get to work with some minor characters, at least one of whom has long roots in the community, the significance of which will only be apparent at the very end of the book.  

There are a number of mysteries to unravel involving the house and there are exterior threats from at least two quarters, so I have plenty of things to keep me busy. I have no idea how big this books is going to be - write first, edit later - but I suspect it may be big. 

At the moment it is a messy sprawl of papers dotted all around the place. I am going to have to have a comprehensive round up session in the near future to get it in some sort of order. The thing is, I am enjoying it, so I hope readers will too - once I finally get it finished and out in the world. 

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