Wednesday 26 January 2022

the good stuff and the bad stuff.

 On the whole it's good stuff, but every silver lining has a cloud. 

Good stuff - the builders were finally able to start my new roof and the weather has been miraculously calm and dry, for which I have uttered a large amount of thanks. The bad stuff was when Les arrived at the door with a joist that looked like something that had been washed up on the beach after a shipwreck. Evidence of the slow leak that I suspected, having  seen the inside of the bedroom cupboard. All repaired now, but expensive.

Good stuff - A Villa in Portofino sneaked a best seller flag twice on Amazon. Bad stuff - it didn't last long - but still thrilled. 

Mixed stuff - the WIP has got a bit sticky, I'm sorting it out - Mozart  and walks by the sea, but it is uncomfortable when it happens. 

Hope it will have shaken loose by next week. 

I hope you had a good day yesterday for St Dwynwen's day. 

Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Happy St Dwynwen's Day


Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus

Today is St Dwynwen's day - the Welsh patron saint of lovers. 

Very appropriate for a Welsh romantic novelist - even one who sets her books on the Riviera - love is love, after all. 

Have a great day. 

Wednesday 19 January 2022

A Wedding on the Riviera - out now in paperback


It's been a long time coming, but A Wedding on the Riviera , the second in the Riviera series, is out now as a paperback - available from all good bookshops. If you are thinking of ordering it might I suggest getting it from your local independent bookstore? Local businesses need our support in these troubled times.

The picture is the rather battered box of author copies that arrived in the last days of 2021. There is a story to that too. They were meant to have been delivered on 17th December, but something went wrong and I didn't get them. The courier eventually sorted it out and the box  arrived, looking a little travel-worn. It reminded me of the parcels we used to get from my aunt in America when I was a kid. They were always exciting. I remember one memorable year the parcel contained a 'Midge' doll. She was Barbie's best friend, and my aunt, who absolutely loved prowling around the 'doll' section of the stores, chose her because with freckles and flicked up blonde hair she thought she was "cuter" than Barbie. I was really a little bit too old for dolls, but the attraction was the clothes - I particularly loved the ball gowns and cocktail dresses but she had everything from rainwear with umbrella and wellingtons to fancy lurex jumpsuits. Outfits usually had hats and gloves. That was correct dress in those days - think Jackie Kennedy. Being older I was very careful with tiny shoes, and jewelry and was able to dress her and stand her on my dressing table - she came with a stand. It paid off much later too, when she was the star of a toy auction at Christies.

How did I digress? The books arrived and I was rather worried over the state of the box, but the contents was fine - very classy copies with the name of the book and my name embossed. There is nothing to beat holding a copy of your book in your hand. It doesn't matter if it is the first book, or the fifth. Or probably the fiftieth - not sure I will make that milestone, but all I can do is work towards it. 

Wednesday 12 January 2022

We're watching you ...

Last week I researched tennis bracelets - a single strand of diamonds for those not it the know. I learned that on a Caribbean cruise many years ago. They were the complete height of fashion at the time but even now they still look good. You know I like diamonds (Hah!)  All the cruising ladies were intent on buying one from the fabulous jewelry stores they have out there. I had emerald earrings on my mind, but that is entirely a different story. These days I can no longer afford either cruise or jewelry, but those were fun times. 

I wanted the bracelet for WIP heroine Masie to wear to a rather posh do at a Learned Society in London, hence the research. (She couldn't afford it either - she borrowed it from Cassie, who is, of course, married to a billionaire.)  As a result of this piece of research, I got a lot of adverts in various feeds for upmarket bling. I very much enjoyed that, although there was no way I could afford what I was being offered. I don't mind being offered 'stuff'' although it is disconcerting to know how closely your browsing is being monitored on occasion. Sometime though, advertisers get it wrong. I'm still puzzling why a certain well known retailer would think I was interested in art supplies and sewing boxes. 

I've just checked the social media - it's currently offering me upmarket house paint and more jewelry. Fair enough, I've expressed an interest in both those.

As a suspense writer I find being stalked by advertisers a little on the creepy side. I'm sure there ought to be a story in there, but I can't think of one right at this moment. Be interesting if something does pop up. 

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Happy New Year?


I don't do resolutions - but I do have hopes for 2022. The obvious one is that we may at last get some semblance of normality back - but that is number one on everyone's list. I really do hope that I get that long postponed holiday in the South of France too, but again, that is dependent on things outside my control. 

One thing that is going to happen, that I am really looking forward to, is the release of the paperback version of A Wedding on the Riviera. It's been long delayed because of the virus, but it will be here this month. 

The main thing that I am hoping for is another book in the Riviera series - book four. I'm about half way through the first draft, so it is looking achievable, provided I am not de-railed. I know from experience  how easily that can happen - life gets in the way. Fingers crossed it won't happen this time and you will be enjoying Masie and Elliot's story before the end of the year. 

I'll keep you posted.