Wednesday, 5 February 2025

The paper mountain

 There are times in the life of every author when 'Life' gets in the way of the writing. I'm having one at the moment, which is why the WIP isn't. It will be back on track, but not at the moment. My current bout of Life is self inflicted. I am trying to declutter the house in a major way. I'm also having a variety of building work done, but that is another story.  The decluttering is proceeding at a slow and stately pace - and I have to say that much of it involves paper. The house is groaning with it. I am clearly a paper dragon, collecting it and sitting proudly on top of my hoard. 

Well, it has to go. 

Bills, bank papers, a connoisseur's collection of rejection letters - all now ceremonially shredded - the floors have a light covering of confetti style paper slivers. On the basis on what I am turning out the year 2016 clearly went on for at least 36 months. I am attempting to do it in a measured way, hence the stately progress, but I do feel that I am winning. One of the most interesting little clumps was my ideas folder, a hefty zebra affair which had expanded to fill a large wicker shopping bag. Outlines for books of which I have no recollection, fragments from books that sadly will probably never be written, press cuttings that might be useful, notes of talks. It was an entertaining evening going through them. I have weeded, not decimated, and I will be looking at them again in due course (what a lovely bureaucratic phrase) to see what gems there might be lurking. Talking of gems, there were some delightful surprises - no less that six new or nearly new notebooks!!!!   

As I said, I am winning, although I have just remembered the tin truck upstairs that has all my notes and drafts for the PhD in it. That will be a few afternoons worth of work. 

And probably no pretty notebooks.

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