Wednesday 2 October 2024

Port Meirion

 This was a bucket list trip. It's been on that list since The Prisoner  TV series used it as a location - yes, I am that old.

It is colourful and a bit crazy - a little piece of Italy on a Welsh hillside, running down to the sea - a folly in the form of a whole village, and I loved it.

The sun shone, I rambled around, ate ice-cream and soaked up atmosphere. It has given me ideas for the colour scheme for my garden, when I finally get that sorted out and can paint some currently grey block walls. Next summer, now. I have a wooden container that holds the recycling bags that I painted blue and which came out a bit more vivid that I expected, Now I know that it is Port Meirion blue  and that I might be painting some of the walls terracotta. I'll keep you posted on that.

In the meantime I have pictures. 

Archways were a thing

This could be on an Italian hillside 

See what I mean about the colour scheme. 

More colour here

This might be my favourite view -
 and you can just make out the sculpture in the exotic planting. 

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